Some Soul Stuff About Love

John Horan
2 min readOct 4, 2022


Erin Silversmith, GFDL <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Souls recognize souls
And that’s what I believe happened to us
On a deep level
Beneath our consciousness
That’s what connected us
Deeper than just our hearts
But also, elsewhere,
In our minds,
Damage recognizes damage
And on one level
I knew it was dangerous
And on another I felt safe
Because I knew you knew
What it was like to be broken
And yet still struggle
To just get up
To just live
So I knew you would never judge
So I could open up
And tell you things that my therapist wouldn’t know
And so and so and so
I got all your stories
Or at least enough
There were so many
Of the worst possible stuff
But there was no pity,
Just respect and love
And yet and yet
The danger did for us
It should be enough
It really fucking should
But its just not
The love
To fix all the wounds
To heal all the hurts
It’s just not
They take you down
They fuck it up
So then what?
Back to the old thing
Just getting up
Just getting up
It’s what we’re best at
And maybe one day
It’ll be enough?

Like my poems? Check out my novella A Vagrant At The House Of Love.

Or my podcast Subberculture

