Sad/Hopeful Christmas Poem

John Horan
1 min readDec 21, 2022


ADRIKA RAHUT, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

The depression arrives just in time for Christmas
All the children’s faces are happy and alive
And I feel like I want to die,
I don’t even agree with this feeling
It just comes over me
From the dregs of some abandoned frosted sea
Is it my job to heal all this detritus?
Is that what I’m here for
The garbage collector of the collective unconscious?
Some bored Sysiphus longing to clock off?
A minotaur just trying to catch his breath.
Is that a little grandiose?
I’m just another nobody caught on the wrong side of heaven
Imagining bad feelings are some kind of devils
I’m begging your pardon,
Shaking dice in my fist
Rolling and praying as they land
For another touch of grace’s kiss
On the cheek, on the mouth,
This Christmas.

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